The Didge Network

We let You quickly find relevant Know How regarding Didgeridoo Learning, Playing and Buying.

Your direct way into the Didgeridoo Community.

Why We Run this Site

We recently started playing didgeridoo. Obviously we put a lot effort in learning about our new Hobby. We wanted to know

  1. What is a good quality didge?
  2. Who are the manufacturer producing good quality?
  3. Where can we buy their didges?
  4. How can we learn playing? What is the best approach to learn didgeridoo?
  5. Are there any teachers? Where can we meet them?

On the one hand side, there is a lot of stuff. And really good stuff, even for free.

On the other hand we found really relevant resources rather late and rather by accident…

We want to contribute in organizing knowledge and resources around the issue of didgeridoo. Moreover we would love to come into contact to people sharing our hobby. And bring them into contact to each other, too.

And we would enjoy supporting all those artists, teachers, manufacturer and other active members of the didgeridoo community who contributed already so much.

What We Show You

1. Manufactures we found.

2. Online Lessons we participated.

3. Didgeridoos we played.

4. Events we experienced.

5. Youtube channels we found helpful.

To summ it up: all kind of stuff we had fun with ourselves but took us ages to find.

The less time it takes to find the right information, the more you can practice playing and meet others in the didge community. And in the end, exercise is growing our skills – not watching youtube channels. And sometimes it might be a wise decision to spent some money on education, instead of time to find the same trick for free.

There are some guys out there, who made the way into didgeridoo community already.



Want to Contribute?

You are very welcome to contribute:

If you are a member of the didgeridoo community and want to share a great instrument, manufacturer, player, event… let us know!

Do you run a shop and want to introduce it here? Or you know where to buy second hand sticks?

You make instruments and want to talk about those? Or the way you produce them?

You can tell us your experience with (online) lessons? Great! We want to hear.

Also tell us your ideas how to further develop our site.

Freddie Veggie joins

Freddie Veggie joins

Freddie Veggie joins thedidge.netMajor step in the development of our siteI announced in my article about Freddie Veggie he will be a teacher. Now I am happy to declare this mission - to convince himself he is - accomplished! Freddie adds a lot to the community: His...

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Didge Monk strikes again!

Didge Monk strikes again!

Didge Monk strikes again!Ancient Tools For The Modern PlayerAre you the guy loving to play handcrafted didge outdoor? Are you recurringly upset because your beloved instruments suffers from a muddy bell or scratches from little stones you did not recognize while...

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New Moon Hunting

New Moon Hunting

New Moon HuntingRobinia Pseudoacacia. The invasive Green Gold of Didgeridoo Manufacturing in Europe. Blog Post by Lukas PilnajOn winter´s new-moons my family does not seems me much, as I went on my freezing hunting for trees that shall became music instruments. The...

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Trogen, Switzerland

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