Didgeridoo Makers

Meeting amazing People. Who make Didges.

Finding your Didgeridoo Maker can become an endless Journey.

And an expensive one. And … it can be a lot of fun! Researching for makers of didges can go via different channels:

  • Internet research
  • Friends playing instruments you like
  • Musicians you hear on youtube and ask, where their instruments are from
  • Or while you actually looking for a present for your wife on etsy.com.

It is so amazing, the quality of instruments some maker are producing. So buying an didgeridoo becomes a comprehensive experience. All manufacturer we contacted reacted really open. They wanted to know

  • What we want to use the stick for
  • If we mainly play alone or with others
  • Inside or outside
  • What other instruments we already have
  • Our preferences regarding keys
  • Usage on stage or with microphone

So make up your mind, what you aspire… The makers we met patiently answered all our questions, some even more. Most of the guys have their own philosophy regarding the didges. So maybe you find yourself in this, too.

Please note this is not intended to be a final list. The selection is rather accidentally. If you have any input: do not hesitate to contact us! Currently we introduce the guys we already bought instruments from. As you can imagine, this is an approach limited by several factors from one is money. So we do not necessarily need to maintain this approach.

We assembled some information regarding the makers. For example if they act as musicians, too. And as our journey continues the list of didgeridoo makers will grow. We try to talk about makes from all continents, if there are.

Chose the one you want to lern more about from the portfolio below.

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