DIY Didgeridoo Stand

Building a Real Simple jet Satisfying Didgeridoo Stand

Last week it happened. Lukas visited me or more precisely, he visited the Spirit, the didge I received a few days before from Dubravko Lapaine (Review will follow). Upon seeing the clustered arrangement of my collection he inquired, “Don’t you think it’s too dangerous putting the didges on the ground or leaning them on the wall in the corner of the room?”

Nothing ever happened, so I ensured Lukas nothing will ever happen. Unnecessary to mention: this very night it happened. Not really a disaster. But the O’Meara E tilted to the right and (luckily) hit the 30 centimeters distant desk. Enough to produce a little damage in the varnish.

This was the moment the decision was made: I will have a decent didgeridoo stand. As usual – as long the project is ostensibly of low complexity – I rather do it my self than buy something.

I already ordered a lengthways halved tree trunk and some 40mm logs and I will see what I can make from it.

I will keep you posted!

Update on July 20th: Meanwhile I finished the article!