Classes, Workshops & Lessons

The most effective Way of Learning to play Didgeridoo.

Let Us Try to Pierce the Thicket – a Little

The good news is there is a lot of material supporting you to learn to play didgeridoo. The bad news is there is a lot of material …

Well, we recognized, it is easy to surf the web for a year or more hunting for the right approach, lesson, youtube channel etc to learn playing didgeridoo. And then you find out, someone who you know as a merchant is doing great video class for decent money with content you should have seen in the beginning of your journey.

As there arise new offers permanently and we can’t even examine all of the stuff existing at this very moment there is no right to completeness. But maybe we can make the entry a little easier.

We will add new stuff from time to time.


Different channels we found:

  • Books & Audio Material
  • (Free) Youtube Content
  • Payed Video Content
  • Online Classes
  • Workshops & Trainings in Presence

Books & Audio

The Didgeridoo Phenomenon

Released 2004, David Lindner

Ecology, History, Development, Trade, Manufacturing of the Instrument described in 14 Chapters on 288 pages. 

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Released 2002,  Stefan Spielmannleiter

Lots of nicely illustrated exercises to learn the basics of playing.

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Playing the Didgeridoo 5 CD Series

Released 2004, Tony Colley & Matt Reed

From beginner’s techniques to complex rhythems: here you learn it.

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Video Courses

Didgeridoo Dojo

Sanshi is an institution in the community. He offers a lot of resources.

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 David Yates


Nice guy, delivering tons of free stuff, offering private lessons.  Really seams to contribute to the comunity.

Coming soon!

Dubravko Lapaine

This guy is driven. Probably everything he does he does with attitude: As a musican I do not know anybody doing similar stuff. As a teacher he is a serious partner. And as a manufacturer he is just brillinat.

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