Lukáš Pilnaj
Manufacturer, Musician, Teacher
Czech Music Monk
Clapstick Magician – Headwear Trendsetter – Chinese Tea Addict

Lukáš Pilnaj
Didgeridoo Maker, Musician, Teacher
Lukáš does didges since 2001(!) as a traditional craftsman. Because it is the most sustainable way. And because this produces the best quality to e.g. make what ever possible by hand without machinery. He collects his tools on bazaars and at junk dealers because you would not find them in a store anymore.
He makes a broad variety of didgeridoos from native European woods. He prefers to cut moon wood. The didges are coated with natural oils and waxes, pro level instruments with varnish . If you like Instruments you can recognize as having been a tree you will love Lukáš’ Instruments. Simultaneously they are of high musicality and character.
The most witty instrument from my perspective is the dual didge. You can blow from both sides, having different keys, usually about one meter long and light. an ideal travel partner.
Lukáš handcrafts more like didge stands and very special clapsitcks.
Find out what he is offering in his web shop. And keep in mind he is a craftsman. If you don’t find, what you are looking for: he will make for you!
At least the Czech didgeridoo players of us will receive some further explanation below.
First time I met Lukáš was end of august 2020 at Dubravko Lapaine’s masterclass. In contrast to me he belonged there. He plays the didgeridoo very well in a lot of different styles. He does not understand himself as a didgeridoo player but as a musician. He does play several other instruments as well. The most impressive for me was a Fujara. I never heart it before but Lukas gave a really impressive show.
That he is up to unconventional settings you can see on his youtube channel.
He is going release his solo album in 2021 as well as debut album with his brass band Merbo Trubky, where he plays Tuba, flute and sings vocal and rap.
Czech Didgeridoo Teacher
If you are looking for a serious and humanitarian teacher – who does not only know how to teach but how to play – go for Lukáš. His teaching dissolves students’ fear and self-criticism that paralyzes their creativity and make them enjoying each breath. I was lucky to receive some sessions from him while Du’s Masterclass. He is a great technician. But he can approach his students in an “analog way”, too. He made me imagining the sound rather explaining me how to put the lips. He showed me how to produce rhythms and store them in body’s memory. And he helped me a lot not to despair completely of not meeting the masterclass standards.
Lukáš seems to be in peace with himself and the rest of the world. A great guy from whom you can learn didgeridoo and other stuff. If you want to grasp some of his attitude and sense of humor, see his latest video.
If you want an impression of his standard teaching environment take a look here. Lukáš does Workshops at Prague and soon at Dresden locations on a regular basis. Just mail him to receive detailed information. You can also visit him for individual sessions!