Yoshitaka Saegusa aka “Sanshi” @ Didgeridoo Dojo &
Didgeridoo Breath
Teacher & Dealer
Broad Offering of Trainings for lots of Competence Levels

Didgeridoo Dojo
Didgeridoo Teacher & Dealer
Didgeridoo Dojo
Viewed from outside Sanshi is the Didgeridoo Dojo. In fact it is like a complementary entity to Didgeridoo Breath. The latest is one of the biggest web shops for didges (see below). There are several others acting in the Dojo as well, but Sanshi got the brightest light.
The Dojo has its youtube channel. You find a lot of (short) clips there. They give you an impression, what you receive from the paid service of the Dojo. That is:
- Estimated 150 videos offering techniques and rhythms
- Whole content sorted by players skill level
- Circular Breathing
- Beginners
- Intermediate
- Advanced
- Practice tips
- A Rhythm Library
- Beatboxing
- Jews Harp Playing
The Dojo offers a small range of third party products as well. For example a set of learning CDs.
I have seen at least 30 of the videos already. What they distinguish from others is the didactic quality. Sanshi and his colleagues want the audience to really understand and they are able to break down difficult techniques into bits and pieces, so you understand what to do. Unfortunately you still need to practice (a lot) to put the shown techniques into practice.
I always have the impression, the guys doing the videos do like people. They have a friendly appearance. Their first issue is not to show you, they are really cool dudes but to teach you something. A really enjoyable combination.
The Dojo started to rework all of their stuff with better equipment, resulting in better audio- and video quality.
You find different plans. Currently
- Beginner Essentials
- Monthly Subscription
- Yearly Subscription
- Life time Subscription
The current prices you find here. If you are on the mailing list, you receive good offers from time to time.
Didgeridoo Breath is an instrument retailer with a vast selection of didgeridoos and some other world instruments: flutes, clapsticks and jaw harps. You also find accessories like stands, bags, beeswax and so on.
They claim to run Australia’s largest store, opened in 2002, knowing the most of the makers they sell didges from personally. So it is a mission to them supporting Australian didgeridoo makers.
You find some explanation to every instrument and a sound file. It is easy to get into contact to the staff to ask.
You find a lot pictures of the store online. I have to admit, I would like to go there once to see the selection myself.