Dubravko Lapaine

Manufacturer, Musician, Teacher

Ph.D Didgeridoo Maker.

One Man Symphony Orchestra Percussion Group.

Professional Musicians Coach.

Dubravko Lapaine

Dubravko Lapaine

Didgeridoo Maker, Musician, Teacher


Dubravko’s didge maker brand is Duende Didgeridoo, run together with Danka Tišljar. They are producing didgeridoos since 2006. Du does since 2000.

I understand their approach as a comprehensive scientific one leading to something higher, metaphysical. The R&D and production process is obviously driven by the expectations Dubravko developed towards his instruments, developing his playing skills further and further. He does not go for authentic style; instead, he goes for performance. Where am I coming from? Read the explanation, that a Duende Didgeridoo has an average 2.5 mm rim mouthpiece to easier play the 6th toot, for example…

The process of didge making is described in a lot of aspects on the labyrinth-like website, e.g. here. Additionally Du describes special aspects, e.g. why he prefers drilling over sandwich building, on youtube. Or he shows the monster meant to be a drilling machine. You can find a description of different classes, configured by length and shapes of didgeridoos. Representatives of those classes you can find on the website with video and sound samples in the magical boutique.

Well, you feel those guys came from the streets (actually from a garage) and made it up to the top. And nothing less is their expectation from themselves: producing the best didgeridoos possible. Dubravko takes care of the technical aspects. Danka of the aesthetic ones.


For me it is only possible to describe, what I felt, first time hearing Dubravko’s music. This is because I still understand only about 3% of what he is doing. It is not only that I am confused by the pace. Sounds I would not have assigned to a didgeridoo are leaving the stick. For most of the sounds I do not have an explanation at all. It’s like: there are things I know how to do, but I can not do, because I am too weak or something. This is different here. All those “click” sounds for example… how are those produced… What would I have to do with my mouth to do these sounds? This guy is speaking Xhosa on the didge…

And I still find myself wondering, where are the other guys playing the track? Maybe Lapaine is didgeridoo’s Milli Vanilli and actually there are three players doing the track? Or, what is regarding the machine-like-precision even more plausible: a 303 is doing it?

Ok, now I am kidding. But what do I really feel when I listen to Dubravko’s music? When I manage to switch off my mind it is a pleasure to follow his rhythms. Otherwise I can not stop, trying to find out, how this works.  


You can enjoy Dubravko as a Teacher in different ways:


  1. Free online Content. Dubravko offers on his youtube channel a lot of educational content regarding didgeridoo making and playing. Of course you find some gigs of him as well. A lot of the material is for rather advanced players. It took me a while to understand what to take out of it. Actually I needed an online lesson with him to get that. But this is probably due to my personal inadequacy – so you can make up your own mind.

2. Payed online Lessons. One thing you need to understand, Dubravko is a professional musician teaching you an instrument. Or better: his instrument. He does not try to entertain you but to show you how to develop your playing, always assuming you are self-motivated.

He starts from your level of playing which does not take him much time to assess. In my lesson:

a) Dubravko gave me clarity, what is necessary for my further development: “Play anything for me. Don’t try to impress, what comes out comes out”. Superfluous to say, I would not have tried to “impress” him…

b) He showed me suitable exercises with examples in tracks for having models, how exercises should sound.

c) He gave me homework to do till a specific date. I sent the results back at the agreed date and

d) he gave me feedback on each part of my homework. I am still working to get better in these basic techniques…

All in all a transparent process, structured and full of content. One lesson kept me busy for weeks. I received an audio recording of the lesson, enabling me to “look up” the exercises.

3. Master Classes. Taking place since 2018 in Croatia, usually in the end of august.  The feedback of former attendants is excellent. I have been there in 2020 first time. Here you find my impressions.