Tristan O’Meara

Manufacturer, Musician

Contemporary Whitefella Didgi Maker & Artist

Tristan O'Meara

Tristan O'Meara

Didgeridoo Maker & Musician


Coorabell Creek

New South Wales

Australia 2479

Phone: +61 432 703 512



Tristan does not just send you any instrument from the stock. What you get is usually made to order. Generally he offers five different Qualities. They differ by  

  • size
  • playing quality / characteristics
  • mouthpiece and bell trim
  • special opal inlay (for the top class)


Tristan O’Meara Didgeridoos are termite hollowed eucalyptus logs, he further chisels. He cuts them himself. He explains every step of the making, when you ask. He is a really open guy, I never got the feeling he forces me to anything trying to sell his stuff. He sends pictures of different steps of the creation process and discribes .

Shipping is professional. Didgeridoo comes in nice robust bag, with some additional stuff. On his facebook presence you find instruments, you can buy off the shelf.  

You find his instruments at some stores and online shops, too. From time to time you see some sticks for relatively few money from him, which he did not brand with his name. Those did not match the quality standards of his top classes. I reviewed a Top Player class instrument in E.

Here you find Tristan introducing himself, his craftsmanship and a bit of his philosophy.


Tristan does not only build didges, he plays them, too. He released several albums you find on bandcamp, where he sings and plays different string instruments (sometime in an unusual way).